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Showing posts from January, 2020

partnership Fundamental (practical problems )

Partnership Fundamental Chapter 1 Practical problem a.    Based on provision in the partnership deed 1.        A and B started business with capitals of RS 10,000 and RS 20,000 respectively on 1 st April 2016. Solve their mutual disputes by giving specific reason. a)       A wants that there must be a provision for interest on capital. b)       B wants that profit should be shared according to capital contribution but A want to share equally. c)        B wants that there should be a provision for interest on personal drawing d)       A agree to introduced additional capital of RS 1,00,000 in the condition that they will get 6% p.a. interest on additional capital. e)       A and B want to get B monthly salary b.    Based on share of profit 2.        A ...
Partnership Fundamental Chapter 1 Practical problem a.    Based on provision in the partnership deed 1.        A and B started business with capitals of RS 10,000 and RS 20,000 respectively on 1 st April 2016. Solve their mutual disputes by giving specific reason. a)       A wants that there must be a provision for interest on capital. b)       B wants that profit should be shared according to capital contribution but A want to share equally. c)        B wants that there should be a provision for interest on personal drawing d)       A agree to introduced additional capital of RS 1,00,000 in the condition that they will get 6% p.a. interest on additional capital. e)       A and B want to get B monthly salary b.    Based on share of profit 2.        A ...